• The Cosplay Masquerade is open to ALL media types. This includes Anime, Manga, Comics, Western Cartoons etc.

  • Original designs are allowed but we must have documentation of both the front and back of the design your are submitting.

  • All participants and handlers must have an IsshoCon Badge (Either 3-Day or Saturday badge.) Badges are not complimentary to participants or handlers. Badges must be purchased by all parties involved.

  • You must participate in both Craftmanship and Performance to be considered for the “Best in Show” award.

  • It is perfectly acceptable to enter into a category under a different division type. (For example: Entering as Beginner in Craftsmanship but Intermediate in Performance.)

  • Hall Exhibition will not be eligible for any of the Masquerade awards mentioned below (this includes any cash prizes that will be given out.)

  • If you participate in the Hall Exhibition you may enter the official Cosplay Masquerade but you must submit a different costume than what you entered with. 

  • All participants must follow all IsshoCon policies - Cosplay Policies / Weapon Policies for more information on that please click here.

  • No harmful imagery may be used in your costume or skit. This includes cosplays that require you to change into a  race that is not your own (Blackface and other forms of harmful imagery). If you are found doing so, you will be immediately disqualified from the cosplay contest and removed from the convention.

  •  Please keep in mind this event is family friendly. Please keep performances acceptable for all audiences. If you have any questions regarding a performance or cosplay, please email us at isshocon.cosplay@gmail.com.

  • All participants are required to wear some form of shoes that cover their feet while on stage. We want to make sure that contestants stay safe while executing their costumes/ performances.  

  • Participants must keep the size of their costume in mind while moving through the con/ contest. It is highly recommended that participants choose a costume that is able to fit through an average doorway /hallway. 

  • Participants will be allowed 1 handler through the contest if needed. Only cosplay contest participants/ and approved handlers will be allowed into the Green Room. Each cosplayer participating in the contest will have a time slot to enter the Green Room for pre-judging. 

  • Contestants 12 and under must have a parent or guardian present with them throughout the entire cosplay contest process. This includes when prizes and awards are given out. There will be a form given to everyone who wins an award to fill out. There will be a required parental consent form that will be available for those 12 and under. 

  • There will be strict rules for contestants to be mindful on stage. This includes no running, jumping, flips etc.

  • Staff must be made aware of everything to be done on stage. Anyone caught breaking these rules will be immediately disqualified. We want to keep everyone safe.

  • No explosives such as smoke bombs/ machines etc.

  • Contestants are not allowed to bring/ use anything that could cause a mess or be hazardous to other contestants/ attendees. This includes shooting things into the audience like confetti/ t-shirts/ other merchandise etc. Although, items than can be cleaned quickly like throwing streamers are allowed.

  • Contestants may model a costume made by someone else. The original creator of said costume must be present during the entire judging process.

  • IsshoCon reserves the right to deny someone entry/ the continuation of participating in the cosplay contest for any reason. 

  • In order to attend the Cosplay Masquerade you must read all of the following rules and agree to them. Anyone found breaking these rules may be denied entry/ asked to leave.

  • Judges reserve the right to move contestants up/ down a division if it is found they are considered to be above/ below the division level applied for. If you have any question about which division you should be entered into please email us @ isshocon.cosplay@gmail.com.

  • IsshoCon has a zero tolerance policy on bullying/ harassing other attendees and contestants during the con/ Masquerade. Anyone found doing so will be immediately disqualified. This will also include prizes being revoked and being banned from participating in any future Masquerades at IsshoCon.  You also may be asked to leave the convention.

General Masquerade rules


  • Anyone under the age of 15.

(Anyone under the age of 13 must have a parental consent slip submitted to registration if participating alone. )


  • 50% of the costume entered must be handcrafted.

  • Requires minor knowledge in costume making or performances.

  • Has won 0-3 awards but doesn’t include major awards.


  • 70% of the costume entered must be handcrafted.

  • Requires adequate knowledge in costume making or performances.

  • Has won 3-5 awards that includes major awards.



  • 80% of the costume entered must be handcrafted.

  • Requires advanced knowledge in costume making or performances.

  • Has won 6 or more awards that includes major awards.



Best Chibi - $50

Best Beginner - $75

Best Intermediate - $100

Best Advance -$125

Best Craftsmanship - $150


Best Chibi - $50

Best Beginner - $75

Best Intermediate - $100

Best Advance -$125

Best Performance - $150

Best in Show - $500

 (Best in Show must participate in both

Performance and Craftsmanship!)

  • All winners listed above will also win a 3-Day badge for IsshoCon 2026.


Craftsmanship SignUPS

  • Sign-ups will take place online and once applications close we will inform everyone on social media if there are any in-person sign ups slots available.

  • Online sign ups will begin on 9/1/24 and will end on 12/1/24. 

  • If there are in-person slots available those applications will be taken in our Green Room on Friday 1/24/25 until spots are full. As mentioned previously, if additional spots open up, an announcement will be made to inform contestants of available slots. 

  • No in-person slots will be taken on the day of the Masquerade.

  • All pre-judging will take place on Saturday 1/25/25.

  • In person sign-ups must have all the information available that is required in the application. This includes the link to the folder with all application information such as reference images/ progress photos etc. Please look below for all information needed for applications.

  • Our Cosplay Coordinators will do a final check of all e-folders the week of 12/26. If no progress is uploaded to your craftsmanship folder, we will reach out via email to check in. If no progress is uploaded by 12/31 you may be dropped from the competition.

Craftsmanship RULES

  • This part of the contest will not require speaking or the use of microphones. 

  • Every participant in Craftsmanship must attend a pre-judging session for their costume. Contestants who do not participate in pre-judging will not be allowed to walk across the stage and will not eligible for any awards. 

  • All Craftmanship contestants must have the folder requirements mentioned above as part of their application. If you are still deciding on your costume thats ok! Our cosplay coordinators just need a link to the folder for when you do add materials.

  • Handlers must purchase a badge into the convention. Handlers will not be provided a complimentary badge by our coordinators.

  • If you do not have a handler but need assistance, please ask our cosplay coordinators when you check in for your time slot.

  • Craftsmanship group entries are limited to 5 people.



  • Sign-ups for performance will take place online only. There will be no sign ups in person for performance as our coordinators need to approve skits before the Masquerade.

  • Online sign ups will begin on 9/1/24 and will end on 12/1/24. 

  • All audio must be in .mp3 format. Coordinators will not pull audio from sites such as YouTube the day of the Masquerade.

  • Scripts must be acceptable for all audiences. Please avoid harsh language and inappropriate content. 

  • All Scripts and Audio are due in your e-folder by 1/11/2025 at 11:59 PM EST.

    Failure to upload materials to your e-folder may result in disqualification from the Masquerade.


If you plan on submitting a performance that includes anything related to Idol materials. Your story must include 50% non-idol related content.

We suggest that if you are looking to submit a full idol performance to apply for our 2025 Idol Fest! That information will be available very soon!

Performance Time Caps:

1 Person: 90 Seconds Max

2 People: 2 Minutes Max

3 People: 2 Minutes 30 Seconds Max

4-5 People: 3 Minutes Max

  • There will be a limited number of performance/ skit entries so please be sure to apply as soon as possible. Any additional performances over the expected number will be waitlisted and we will notify you via email if we have space open up.

  • Cosplayers are encouraged to wear costumes that have been hand-crafted for performances, but it is not required. 

  • Handlers must purchase a badge into the convention. Handlers will not be provided a complimentary badge by our coordinators.

  • The stage for the contest size will be announced soon!


Craftsmanship E-FOLDER


Please be sure your e-folder is public.

This can be done by clicking share and changing the privacy from “restricted” to “anyone with link”

Failure to provide a public e-folder may result in disqualification from the Masquerade.

Reference Images -  Photos of the character you are cosplaying. The more references you have of the character in different poses the easier it will be for judges. Reference images are mandatory for the application.

Progress Photos - Photos that show you working on the costume over a period of time. These photos may be what you have so far, it's also ok if you don't have images just yet! Just make sure to update this folder as you start to work on your costume.

*Please enter these into two separate folders within the original folder*

  • In the application there will be a section where you can add a link to a folder that includes all of these images. Please provide a link that will be able to be viewed by our judges. If the link you provided does not allow our team to view the files, you may be asked to resubmit your application. Please make sure the folder is able to be viewed. We understand if your folder is empty up until the con. Our coordinators just need access to the e-folder whenever you do add

  • If you are basing your costume off of a design that is not your own (non-canons works found on sites such as Instagram/ Facebook/ DeviantArt,) you must have written consent from said artist you are able to showcase that costume. This consent file must be located in your folder as well. If you fail to provide consent from said artist(s) you will not be able to enter the costume contest. 

  • The same rules mentioned above will apply to costumes that have been commissioned by someone else. You must have their permission to enter the costume contest. If you fail to provide consent, that costume will not be allowed to enter.



Please be sure your e-folder is public.

This can be done by clicking share and changing the privacy from “restricted” to “anyone with link”

Failure to provide a public e-folder may result in disqualification from the Masquerade.

  • Script - This folder within your overall folder must include your script for your performance. If your script is not included in your folder by 12/31/2024 you may be dropped from the Masquerade. If you have any questions regarding your script please reach out to our cosplay coordinators @ “isshocon.cosplay@gmail.com”.

  • Audio - This folder within your overall folder must include the audio for your performance. If your audio is not included in your folder by 12/31/2024 you may be dropped from the Masquerade. If you have any questions regarding your audio please reach out to our cosplay coordinators @ “isshocon.cosplay@gmail.com”.

  • Please be sure your audio is in .mp3 format.


Sandbagging is an act that is forbidden at Isshocon.

Anyone found doing so will be immediately disqualified from the competition.

Acts related to sandbagging are:

  • Entering a costume that has previously won a major award at another convention. (For example: Best in Show/ Other “Best of” Awards)

  • Purposefully entering into a division below your current skill level.